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Women’s Health & Natural Fertility Specialist











Hi, I'm Jacqui!


A lover of all things summer, a seriously bad dancer, an unbelievably messy cook and super passionate about helping women like you solve your hormone issues.

Jacqui Lamplugh is a qualified Naturopath, Reproductive Medicine expert and self-confessed chocolate addict specialising in hormone health for the modern woman. Her unique, balanced approach to health and hormones blends research-backed natural medicine with traditional, medical diagnostics. This modern treatment model offers effective solutions backed by research and powered by natural philosophies in a judgement-free environment.

With over a decade’s experience in the industry, Jacqui’s worked with Australia’s leading fertility experts and Perth’s longest-standing natural medicine clinic. She’s lectured about herbal and nutritional medicine at a prestigious Perth college, founded her own self-titled business and released her signature online fertility course, Conceive Naturally Method.

Jacqui founded her own consultancy with a simple mission. To educate and empower women about their menstrual cycles, hormones and fertility – at any stage of life. It’s Jacqui’s ultimate aim to support women using natural solutions, backed by science, so they can live a full and joyful life. Bringing her caring nature and supportive coaching style, Jacqui’s obsessed with discovering the latest findings in the field of hormones, fertility and pregnancy. This brings a modern, forward-thinking element to Jacqui’s educational and empowering coaching sessions.

But it doesn’t stop there. Jacqui does more than teach women about their bodies, she delves deeply into personalised support – Specifically helping women to understand complex information in a down to earth way. This involves exploring a cross-section of diet, lifestyle, nutritional and herbal medicine. Jacqui then explains each contributing factor or solution with care and understanding – an integral part of Jacqui’s process.

Holding an Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy, a Bachelor of Health Science (Complementary Medicine) and a Masters Degree in Reproductive Medicine, Jacqui offers solutions and treatment plans for fertility struggles, menstruation issues and is a passionate advocate for balancing hormones – Naturally.

The outcome? Her clients are able to live more carefree lifestyles, knowing more about their body – not everybody, with real solutions powered by natural medicine.


Want to get to know me a little bit more?

  • I’m definitely without a doubt a summer girl. Winter makes me miserable and another reason why I love living in Karratha.

  • My favourite thing on a Friday night is to soak in the bath, but I dream about it more than I actually do it.

  • I have scoliosis (curve of the spine) and had an operation just before I turned 18 to try and straighten it. The op was successful and now I rock a heap of metal in my back (2 massive rods, 6 screws and 2 hooks, to be precise) Yep my x-rays look pretty impressive and a little shout out to any scoliosis girls out there!

  • I cannot live without chocolate!

  • I love nature and adventures, especially if they go hand in hand

  • Big belly laughs and dinner with friends are seriously my favourite

  • And in my spare time, well you guessed it, you’ll find me reading up on all things hormones, health and wellness.