7 Tips to Optimizing Conception and Getting Pregnant
Trying to get pregnant? These 7 tips will help increase your chance of conception and ensure you are holding your bundle of joy in 9 month’s time. Complete with fertility tips this is a must read for anyone trying or thinking about getting pregnant.
1.Know When You Ovulate
This is the most important tip!
If you don’t know exactly when you ovulate then trying to conceive is like playing darts with a blindfold on – how on earth are you going to hit the bullseye?
Contrary to what you may have been taught women don’t all ovulate on day 14 of their cycle some ovulate much earlier or much later and ovulation may differ each cycle too. If you are using an app on your phone to predict ovulation then ditch it. They work on a set algorithm and let’s face it your body is not an algorithm!
Fertility Tip - There are only 2 methods I recommend to predict ovulation. – Basal body temperature charting and/or an ovulation predictor kit (OPK). Basal body temperature charting involves taking your temperature every morning and tracking your cervical mucous to identify your 4-day fertile window. Women usually ovulate 1 day after their peak mucous signs and ovulation is confirmed when your temperature has risen by 0.01 to 0.05◦C and stays risen for 3 consecutive days. I recommend the app Kindara for tracking your body temperature. Ovulation predictor kits are available from most chemist and they help identify your luteinizing hormone (LH) surge which occurs 12 hours before you ovulate. If you aren’t using either method than get on it and stop having sex with a blind fold on (unless you’re into that kind of thing).
2. Sex – Can you have too much?
Women are only fertile for 4 days a cycle!! Yep that’s it only F.O.U.R. So, you definitely don’t need to be having sex every day. In fact, it can reduce sperm count and therefore your chances of conceiving not to mention after a week or so you will start to get very much over it. Once you have determined ovulation start having sex 3 days before and continue for 1 day after ovulation and you only need to have sex once a day or once every second day.
Fertility Tip – Conception is enhanced if the sperm are waiting for the egg when it is released at ovulation. So always make sure you have sex at least once the day or so before ovulation.
3. Know your Luteal Phase Length
In order for a menstrual cycle to be fertile the time between ovulation and your period needs to be at least 12 days in length. This is because it takes about 10 days for the egg, once fertilised, to travel down the Fallopian tube and implant into the uterus. If you get your period 10 days after ovulation you may be getting pregnant but the egg cannot implant and it is washed out in your period blood. If you find your luteal phase is too short it can easily be corrected with herbal and nutritional medicine, read 6 Ways to Boost Progesterone Naturally for more information.
4. Confused about What Position?
Within reason your sexual position doesn’t impact your chance of conception. However, saying that, for men with lower sperm count or poor motility it is recommended that they use a deeper penetration position (think doggy style) to try and deposit the sperm as high in the vagina as possible. Making sure you are using the right hole, which may sound obvious but certain cultures have different hole preferences– if the sperm are passing your tonsils I can guarantee you, you aren’t going to get pregnant.
Do you lay with your feet up after sex? Or put a pillow under your butt to tilt the pelvis? There is no need. Within 90 seconds after ejaculation the sperm are where they need to be high up in the cervix. The semen that comes out when you stand up after sex contains very little sperm.
5. Don’t Wait to Get Help
Don’t struggle in silence. Trying to conceive is exciting for the first couple of months then after that it becomes very stressful and disappointing. If you haven’t conceived after 2 months then it’s time to see your natural health practitioner for help. The medical fraternity recommend seeing a fertility specialist only if you are under 35 years and have been trying for 1 year or if you are over 35 years then it’s 6 months. That’s way too long to wait, I want to see you sooner!
6. Keeping it Wet
The majority of personal lubricants on the market are actually harmful to sperm whether they contain a spermicide or not. If you have identified the fertile window lubrication shouldn’t be required as the vagina should be producing enough cervical mucous for lubrication. Cervical mucous is very important to conceiving. It protects the sperm from the acidity of the vagina, which would normally kill them and it helps them swim up into the cervix with ease. If you are feeling dry down there then it is an indication that your hormones might be out of whack.
7. Pre-Planning Goes a Long Way
As the saying goes you are only as strong as your weakest link. The same goes for your baby’s health. It can only be as healthy as it’s mum and dad. Both parents (yes guys you have a HUGE influence on your child’s health) contribute a set of DNA for the child.
Both the egg and sperm take about 3 months to mature so the egg and sperm that conceive your baby today were actually formed 3 months prior! Adopting a healthy diet, getting active and taking the correct supplements at least 3 months prior to conception is essential in minimising time to conception and conceiving that healthy bub that you have dreamt about. Preconception care is so important!
Trying for a family is a very exiting time the above should help you optimise conception and ensure you are holding your bundle of joy in 9 month’s time. Remember if you haven’t conceived after 2 months then reach out for help. I love nothing more than helping couples get pregnant!
Are you trying to get pregnant? Download this FREE Fertility Guide for tips to help you get pregnant sooner.
Jacqui x